Jul 25, 2011

Flag Rock

Today in Utah is the observed holiday of the 24th of July (since the 24th fell on a Sunday), my boss is out of town for the week, and Jeff is back from China which means... Perfect conditions to hike to Flag Rock in F-town! We left his house and started down the street and stopped at Woodland Park to look for a Geocache on the way and admire how the raspberry patch is coming on.

Hawk Rock
We made it up to the trail head and hiked up to the fire break road and took a breather and enjoyed the view. Further up the trail, we passed "Hawk Rock" which is freaking awesome! From there it was a pretty good climb with a lot of switchbacks, but we made it in good time. It was really muggy out today with the cloudy skies threatening rain, but once we got to the top and felt the wind blowing it felt amazing! And the view was breathtaking to be sure.

It was pretty cool to spend this Pioneer Day up here and catch a glimpse of what the valley looks like, similar to what the pioneers did when the came into the area over 100 years ago. That's one thing I really love about Utah is the rich pioneer heritage and that they still honor those people today. Pretty cool. (And who doesn't love another day of fireworks?!)

We hiked back down and found some ripe black berries near a stream that made for a nice treat on the way home. It was really great to be back on the trail with Jeff again. Feels good to get theBRIGADE back together. Awesome day!

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