Oct 18, 2011

Bachelor Campout

Our homeboy Jeff is getting himself hitched and theBRIGADE decided we'd better get ourselves together for a bachelor party, which in tB terms means one thing: CAMPOUT! With all the wedding plans, various schedules, and commitments, we had a hard time finding a good weekend to go. In the end, we decided to just throw reason to the wind and go after the Priesthood Session of LDS General Conference.

Paul, Tim, Jeff, and I met up in white shirts and ties and enjoyed a fantastic Priesthood Sesh together. I still can't believe how tight our crew is. It's a big year for all of us, actually. Tim got married in June, I had the birth of our second child, Ammon, in August. Jeff is getting married in October, and Paul is receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood this month as well! Huge! It was just really cool to look down the row at the three closest and most trustworthy homies I have. It was a great experience to be there with these great men. Love these fellas!

After we'd been spiritually fed, we went back to my place and changed into our "business" clothes so we could go get lost for a few hours in the mountains! We decided to hit up Baer Canyon where I took the Scouts. It was a gorgeous night and it was great to be back together with the crew on the trail!

We ended up at the same camping spot that I stayed at with the Scouts and it was perfect. We all ate dinner up there and had plenty of candy and smores to feed most of Davis County. Haha. It was prime!

It was so warm that night that I slept on top of my sleeping bag! With the rain fly off, it was exquisite with a light, warm breeze blowing over us... until 1:00 a.m. when the rain started! Hahaha. It didn't last long, though. We had a great night!

Tim had to wake up early the next morning and hiked down by himself at 6:30 so he could make it into SLC for a Conference Sesh. We were up and going around 8:00 and enjoyed a nice hike down looking over the valley in the beautiful morning light.


  1. Did you notice that Jeff is the only one not wearing his theBrigade shirt? Not cool...

  2. He had other things on his mind...
